Thursday, January 1, 2009

Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser?

House Of Mirrors IIImage by BrittneyBush via Flickr
At the end of every year we are always surrounded by the "year in review" TV programs, newspaper articles, magazine issues and radio shows.
  • What would it look like if you did a year in review?
When I was starting out doing comedy, I used to tape every performance, open mic, benefit, weekend paid spot, every gig I worked. I would then listen to and review the tapes seeing what worked, what could be adjusted, what needed to be scrapped and never used again. It was these honest reviews and adjustments that helped me learn and grow and polish my set until suddenly, 5 years later, there I was playing at the Tropicana in Vegas. It would not have happened without the review.

Making resolutions is good, probably even necessary to set goals and plot a course (see yesterday's blog for a new outlook on resolutions). Maybe a personal and honest review of our year just passed can help to build a map. We would have to be ready to celebrate the successes as well as analyze the failures, be thankful for the growth and mourn the losses, but if we could do this honestly, take an accurate measure of who we were, who we are and who we wish to become, wouldn't that be a good place to start a new year?

Imagine not having to repeat the same mistakes this year. Think about using your past successes as springboards to a whole new level. Analyze your repeating patterns that are also repeating obstacles. Here's some questions to get you started:
  • What relationships were mutually beneficial last year and why?
  • What relationships were sources of stress or pain on either side last year and why?
  • What activities, work, play or social, filled you with the greatest sense of joy and fulfillment last year and why?
  • What activities, work, play or social, caused you anxiety, stress or a sense of dread last year and why?
  • What events or situations last year made you feel connected to the Universe or in touch with the Holy?
  • What events or situations last year made you feel disconnected or made you try to deny the existence of the universe or the Holy?
  • What were your greatest successes and what contributed to them last year?
  • What were your greatest failures or disappointments and what contributed to them last year?
After spending some time on those questions, make sure you were as honest as you could tolerate, and then crank up the honesty one more notch. It oughta' hurt a little. Once that's done, go into the new year looking to be more aware of what contributes to your successes and what direction the disappointments come from. You will be armed for fulfillment!

Enjoy your reflection, it is yours and it is beautiful.

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