Monday, December 1, 2008

Abundance vs. Scarcity

What would happen if we lived out of a mindset of abundance. Imagine that no matter what happened in the economy, no matter what we owned or didn't own, no matter how our pile of stuff stacked up against our neighbors pile, we believed that we had enough. What if we knew we had enough food, enough resources, and enough courage to just live in a state of sufficiency.

Would some of our fears go away? Would we shake off some of the stress and worry about "keeping up". Would we spend less time being protective of our stuff and more time being generous? Would those changes allow us to help others feel less stressed as well?

Are you willing to try a little experiment in trusting the Universe? How about changing a few small behaviors for one week and seeing if they make a difference in how you feel. If you are willing to be generous in a few small areas, perhaps you may find that while the rest of the world is afraid to "run out" you can enjoy the comfort and security of knowing you have more than you need. So, just for one week could you:
  • Tip the servers where you eat 25%, whether they "deserve" it or not? I'll bet the extra change won't be missed by you and who knows, it may change their outlook and attitude.
  • Pay the bus fare of the person behind you every day? That $10.00 investment may actually set some other chain of events in motion that you will never see. At the very least, the smiles you get will lighten you heart.
  • Give an hour or two to a volunteer cause? I know, time is at a premium and we all are crunched. Don't worry though, you'll still get done what needs to get done.
  • Cook an extra meal every day and set it aside for your local "Meals on Wheels" organization? You know, much of that food gets put in the fridge as leftovers and then thrown out anyway. How about we feed someone instead?
  • Give up the best parking spots when you go to mall or grocery store? There are plenty of spots out there, you may have to walk a little bit but that will do you some good anyway.
Try, just for one week, to live as if you have more than you need. The truth is, you do.

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