Saturday, December 20, 2008

Comfort Foods and Inner Peace

Tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwichImage via Wikipedia

Meatloaf, oatmeal, grilled cheese sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies, chicken soup, mashed potatoes, comfort foods. The name of some of those foods alone can conjure up a smell, a taste and often a feeling.

  • What is your ultimate comfort food?
  • How old were you when it entered your life?
  • When do you crave, or turn to that food now?
  • What is it about that food that feels right to you?
  • Have you shared it with other people?

For me, I have two that stand out in my mind tonight.

The first is pear juice. That's right, pear juice. If you haven't had it, you should. You need to make sure it is chilled well and DO NOT PUT ICE IN IT! Pear juice has a wonderful thick and grainy texture that gets diluted with ice. My mother would get it for me whenever I got sick as a child. I swear it still, to this day, speeds my recovery. Really though, it tastes like nurturing and support, love and care.

Another food that really does it for me is pupusa. Pupusa came into my life much later. At the age of 39 I went, for the first time, to El Salvador. I fell in love with the country, the people and the spirit of that small nation. I learned there that community is our hope, that life and the desire for survival is stronger than we know and that faith is alive and can be consumed like oxygen or food. I left there after a week. I have returned there and will many more times, God willing. When I am lucky enough to find decent pupusa in the U.S. (no small feat), I am instantly transported back to El Salvador. It is for me the taste of Spirit, unity and the blessings of poverty.
Salvadoran at a food stall.Image via Wikipedia

  • If there was one food you could have right now, what would it be?
  • How is it that food can bring us such a sense of peace and constancy?
  • What does love taste like to you?
  • Ask someone else what their favorite comfort food is and why.

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