Saturday, December 6, 2008

Truth and Peace

I have been thinking a lot lately about truth; truth hurts, truth will set you free, truth is stranger than fiction, etc.

It hasn't always been that way. There was a time, not too very long ago, when truth came somewhere after convenience, personal agendas, political gain or loss and some twisted sense of what I thought people wanted me to say or do. Since trying to focus more on truth I am finding that truth is often annoying, disruptive and seemingly illogical from a self preservation standpoint.

Even in it's sometimes difficult wake, the truth is always disarming. You can not ever effectively argue against truth in the long run. The truth will always win out. It has to. It is a constant. It is not subject to changes of opinion, winds of doubt or shifts in the rules. Truth is truth is truth.

What would the world be like if we all lived into and out of, the truth? What if we were true to who we are, acknowledged how we truly felt, took responsibility when the truth says we are at fault, suffered no hurt feelings at the hands of the truth and remembered that, at the end of the day, the truth has no agenda other than itself?

Where in your life are you currently living as if some illusion or other were true? Where is it that you could shine a little truth and free yourself to live in reality?

This might not be easy. People get nervous when the truth starts flying. Start with yourself. Who are you, really? Where is your heart, really? What makes you happy, really?

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