Sunday, December 7, 2008

Things, Things, and More Things

I saw this picture in an email someone sent me. Not sure where they got it. My apologies for not giving a proper nod to the photographer or the creator but I know not who they are. What struck me though was the honest truth of this sentence. In this Holiday season, it is so tempting to think about all of the "things" we want, or the perfect "thing" for little Joey that I almost needed this little bit of spray painted truth.

The best things in life are actually us, our creativity, our grace, our empathy, our love, our kindness, our individuality, our "ourness".

What part of yourself are you truly thankful for? What part of yourself can you wrap up and give away this Holiday season? What "thing" were you going to buy that you could choose to leave on the shelf at WalMart and instead give someone a piece of yourself?

The best things life are us...
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1 comment:

Various said...

I agree 100%. It's not about materialism, as many people are. I think that most people don't take the time to appreciate the "small" things anymore. Although, they aren't small at all..

Good post.