Friday, December 19, 2008

How do you shake a bad day?

It's raining/snowing out, your heart feels lonely and the tapes in your head are running at full, you are so inadequate, speed. How do you break yourself out of it?

What activities or diversions are sure fire winners for you when it comes to pulling out of the doldrums?

Share your comments below and let's see if we can't give each other a hand up on those days when we feel down. That is one of the benefits of community.

1 comment:

erin noseworthy said...

When I feel blue I often dwell on the distance - both physical and metaphysical - between myself and the people I care about and long to be close to them.

I enjoy making cut paper cards. So when the blues begin to roll in, I often find a reason to make a loved one a card - birthdays, holidays, good luck, miss you, thinking of you ... It gives me focus and makes me feel close to that person. There's a delayed benefit too ... a few days later when you get a card or email of thanks from the receiver :)