Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Peaceful Video Games?

I found this on the web today. It is a classroom video game called Virtual Peace. According to the web site:
Virtual Peace: Turning Swords to Ploughshares brings together digital learning technologies and international humanitarian assistance efforts. Students and educators enter an immersive, multi-sensory game-based environment that simulates real disaster relief and conflict resolution conditions in order to learn first-hand the necessary tools for sensitive and timely crisis response.

How cool is that? Imagine using video technology to help young people become interested in working toward peace and humanitarian efforts.

  • What are some video games that you might create to help people explore the concepts related to social justice?
  • Do you think these games would ever catch on like the hundreds of war simulation games? Why or why not?
  • Would there be any "political correctness" issues raised by a game like this?
  • Are there any "political correctness" issues raised by a game like "Call of Duty: World at War?

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